01-26-09: First post of 2009! Biggest news is a contest over at Shenanigan. You have been reading Shenanigan, haven't you? If you haven't you need to start, and if you want a signed copy of the actual Shenanigan book, well then you need to enter our contest!
9-2-08: Wow, two news updates in a year, scary. So I've been working on a new project for the info section, perhaps some of you have heard of wikipedia. It's one of those newfangled internets things. In any case I've got my own wiki set up, and I'm slowly adding information about the comic, but I need your help! Those who e-mail me with desired names and passwords will get access to the wiki and can change what's up there and add information from the comic. Yeah, I know, I keep harping about going on the forums and not e-mailing me, but this time I'm actually encouraging e-mail. So help me out with the LGwiki!
8-08-08: Yes, I know, ages since news, well six years is approaching, this year I'm not doing the usual guest art weeks. Mostly because I took a 3 month life related hiatus and figured you all would prefer I keep producing comics for a while. Also in further good news the Legoes storyline will end right before the anniversary and you won't have to put up with it anymore. I'm actually fairly tired of it myself, so yeah.
09-03-08: I figured it was about time that I advertised some of my fellow lego webcomics, I know, it's been too long, sorry. On the right down there are links to Brickwars Saga, The Adventures of the S-team and Reasonably Clever. Also Reasonably Clever is having a lego building contest I hope to have entries for this weekend.
08-08-08: It's been over a year since I've ranted. So long that I've gotten an e-mail asking if I wanted someone else to rant for me. I don't, but I appreciate the offer. There have been a few recent updates of Shenanigan which is godo, the first "issue" is almost done, also note the new site look and marvel at it, marvel I say.
Much has happened since my last rant, as you may notice I am now a Ph.D. That means I'm a doctor, but not the kind that helps people, though for those of you who care I am a Doctor of Pharmacology, which is slightly more "helpful" than say a Doctor of Palentology for example. I'm also a married man now and a temporary working resident of Canada, I put these things in that order only because that's the order in which they occured, but that is the situation such as it is.
I'm considering redesigning the site, making it look better, but I'm not sure how much time I'll have to put into that. I also have in mind a couple of ideas for other lego comics, I'm not quitting this one, don't worry, and we'll see if I get time to put any of those into practice.
If you don't hear anything from me in the rant, worry not, I just don't have much to write, the whole reason I have a comic is because I found it easier to update that than to rant all the time.
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As I am currently in a stage of my life where I can not spend a great deal of income on the collection of more Lego Bricks I have posted this donation button. All proceeds donated to Legostar Galactica will go toward funding further supplies and materials for the comic and thus improve the quality and variety present in the comic. Any donations are appreciated but none are required for further enjoyment of the comic. |